Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Suiting up for work

Here we are, except Cindy, in our daily work clothes. From left to right are Lorenia, Annie, Maria, Anna, me, and Dasiy. Lorenia, Annie and Maria are from Mexico, Anna is from Belarus, but lives in the US, and Daisy is German who also lives in the US. Cindy, not shown, is from Iowa and she has been volunteering in Brazil and India since June. All very dynamic women with very interesting backgrounds.
The variety of the Salwar Kameezes are immense and it's hard to resist buying a ton of them. I can't quite get used to the Dupatta (scarf), but I have to admit, it does add a touch of flair to the outfit.


  1. Suzanne, you look lovely in your outfit and I am enjoying checking in on your blog and following your experiences. Thought the one about the Delhi subway was particularly interesting. Thought I had posted yesterday through my Google account, but apparently it didn't work.
