Monday, August 22, 2011

Anti-Corruption Demonstrations

Anti-Corruption demonstrators in Shimla
Anti-Corruption demonstrators in Shimla
These three young men came over and spoke to Cindy and I about the anti-corruption demonstration, and how they want a better life for everybody in India.
This man was fasting for the anti-corruption movement, though he is not the leader of the movement.

I don't know if it is making the news in the US, but for the past week there have been anti-corruption demonstrations going on in Delhi, Mumbai and even up in Shimla, where I was this past weekend. Last week we were hanging out in Connaught Place, an area of shops, restaurants, banks, hotels and offices, and we noticed groups of young people wearing the Ghandi cap, waving the Indian flag, and shouting some sort of slogan. It wasn't until we got back to our apartment and I got a US State Dept email alerting all American personnel in Delhi to stay away from Connaught Place, due to the anti-corruption demonstrations, that we figured out what was going on.

The corruption in India is immense and it goes from the very bottom to the very top, and everybody talks and complains about it. The anti-corruption movement is being led by a man named Anna, who is fasting to end corruption and not everybody is on his side. Hopefully, the demonstrations will stay peaceful.

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