Monday, August 15, 2011

Dogs and Cows and Pigs Oh My!

Anybody who has ever been to India will find the "No Horn" to be a big laugh! Without a horn one couldn't survive on the road. Brakes too!
I have never seen so many animals, people, and modes of transportation on the roads in my life! Nobody walks on the sidewalks so the roads are total madness. Pedestrians, people on bikes, scooters, motorbikes, autorickshaws, manual rickshaws, carts with horses, trucks, small buses, big buses, cars, dogs, pigs, goats, and finally the almighty Cow. The cow rules in India and though you don't see too many in New Delhi, there are a lot in the rural areas. Even driving on the main highway, there are cows in the middle of the road. Driving here is truly a show of its own.
I bow to my driver, Ashwini, who takes me to and from work. He is a great driver and I like that we start the day with a CD of Mantra chants from Shiva. It's quite peaceful to listen to the chanting while there is utter madness outside. Coming back from work we listen to Indian pop/rock, which is more fitting to the outside environment.

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