Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The controls of the Autorickshaw
Hanging out with the motorcycle riders
Rubbing elbows with the cars
There were actually 6 of us in the Autorickshaw for this ride. Cindy and I had no idea who the other 4 people were. The driver stopped and let them on.
Normal Delhi road scene
Riding the Autorickshaw at night.
Catching an Autorickshaw near our apt.

You either love to take Autorickshaws or you just close your eyes, pray to Krishna and hang on with all your might! I am of the former - I love taking the Autorickshaws. Any chance that I can go somewhere by Autorickshaw, I'm there haggling over the fare.

I like them because you are right in the thick of traffic, looking in car windows, rubbing elbows with the motorcycle riders, dodging everything in sight, and sometimes looking at traffic head on. We've been able to cram four of us in an Autorickshaw, and though not comfortable, it's a lot of fun.

Tonight four of us took an Autorickshaw to one of the upscale malls. We were right in the middle of traffic, making a turn in front of even more traffic, and the driver stops, turns off the ignition and jumps out to take a cell phone call. Cars are whizzing around us and honking, and a bus came so close that I thought for sure we were going to be hit. The driver could care less; he just kept on talking and totally ignoring our screams. Needless to say, we took a taxi home from the mall.

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