Friday, August 5, 2011

Arriving in Delhi

Touched down at 5:30PM, Friday August 5th, after a 14-hour flight from Chicago. Amazing views of Greenland and Afghanistan (what a contrast!) from my window. I love the flight path tracking on the plane. Indian food and non-stop Masala tea were served on the flight, which was a nice introduction to my trip.
Landed amidst the pounding of rain and mist, but could see the tops of buildings and neighborhoods below me. Beautiful international terminal - the gates all have paintings of Indian symbols on them. As our plane pulled into the gate, I noticed that our gate had the the painting of the Namaste (hell0/welcome) folding of the hands in prayer. Just seeing that welcome sign really put me at ease and made me ready for my journey.
The entry process of the passport check and customs was the easiest and fastest I have ever been through! Once I got my bags, I was plopped out in front of a cafe and there was my ride to the hotel. I decided to have one night of luxury in a hotel before starting the volunteer placement.
It did feel weird to be sitting in an air conditioned car, with bottled water and newspapers (I think they thought I was some businesswoman), knowing that this is really not the reality in India. The security getting into the hotel was intense. The car was searched from top to bottom, my bags were whisked away from me and scanned, as was I.
I'm up early right now due to jet lag and excitement and it's eerily quiet outside. Pigeons are sitting on the ledge outside my widow, and views of the beautiful and lush pool grounds are contrasted with colorful apt buildings, hovering over them. Everything I've read in the past 6 months or so states that India is a land of contrast, and from this tiny glimpse, I am beginning to experience that.
I'll see what comes next!
Word for the day: नमस्ते (Namaste)

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